2017/2018 Fall Semester Registration Is Now Open 秋季学期注册现已开始


相信大家都过了一个很愉快的暑假,夏天一晃就过去,现在又到了我们紧张学习的季节。我们很高兴地告诉大家,我们罗城中文学校秋季学期将于9月9号开学。请您首先在我们的注册网 (https://xiaosheng.typeform.com/to/RVu5Em ) 上填写您的注册信息 (手机上亦为方便),  并在9月9号下午12-1点到RCTC SH102教室付款完成注册。付款时请带上您的注册回折邮件以便确定您的付款金额。


1.     为了方便大家,今年我们将所有费用(学费,书费,注册费,材料费等)汇总成一个统一费用收取, 但是舞蹈班的服装费除外。
2.     本学期各舞蹈班课时减少一次,我们将学费做了相应地下调。
3.     因普通教室租金上涨,我们非舞蹈班的学费相应地上调5元。


Dear RCS students and parents:

I hope you all had a great summer which just went by very quickly. It is time now to return to our busy school schedules. I am very excited to announce that the 2017/18 fall semester of Rochester Chinese School starts Saturday, Sept 9th, 2017.  The on-line registration is now open to public (https://xiaosheng.typeform.com/to/RVu5Em). Please register your student(s) and select the closest classes (can be re-assigned later) first.  To complete the registration, please come to our registration session (12:00-1:00pm, Sept 9 in RCTC classroom 102) to pay your fees. Please be sure to bring the registration acknowledgment email to validate your payment amount.

Changes to this year:

  1. For the sake of convenience, we will be collected one total fee that includes the tuition, book, material and registration fees.
  2. All dance classes will have 15 lessons (instead of 16) this semester, we have reduced the tuition accordingly.
  3. For non-dance classes, we have increased the tuitions by $5 for all affected students.

I look forward to seeing you then.


Rochester Chinese School 罗城中文学校

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