
About Rochester Chinese School

Rochester Chinese School (RCS) is an independent non-profit organization founded in Rochester, Minnesota, in 1998. RCS is supported by a group of highly motivated parents and volunteers. Our mission is to teach and promote Chinese Language and traditional Chinese culture. RCS is co-sponsored by Rochester Community and Technical College (RCTC). We are one of the 300+ member schools of The Chinese School Association in USA. All teachers are native speaking Chinese and our art teachers are Chinese art professionals.

Currently, RCS offers Chinese language with different levels, Folk dance, Painting, and Calligraphy lessons tailored to school age kids and adults. Students in Chinese classes will learn Mandarin, Pinyin and simplified Chinese characters. Our school year consists of Fall semester (Sept to January) and Spring semester (Feb to June). Our Chinese language classes for kids are on Saturdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm in RCTC classrooms, followed by Painting and Calligraphy classes (2:45-4:15 pm). All Dance classes are in the room S202 in Sports Center of RCTC on Sundays. Chinese language class for adults is typically on the weekday noon or evening.

We welcome all Chinese language and art enthusiasts to join our school. If you have any questions regarding RCS, please feel free to contact our Principal Ms. Liqin Wang at 507-250-6634 or  lxw06gm@gmail.com. Thanks!


罗城中文学校(Rochester Chinese School, RCS)是一个由热心的家长和志愿者共同运作的独立非营利机构,  以传授和推广中文语言和中华传统文化为宗旨,在1998年成立于美国明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市。罗城中文学校由罗彻斯特社区技术学院(RCTC)共同赞助,是全美中文学校协会的300多个成员学校之一。我们的中文老师都是以中文为母语的华人,艺术班老师都是很专业的中国艺术老师。

目前,我们为学龄儿童和成人开设不同程度的汉语,民族舞蹈,绘画和书法课程。中文班教授普通话,汉语拼音和简化汉字。学校每学年包括秋季学期 (9月至1月) 和春季学期 (2月至6月) 。儿童中文班在RCTC的教室上课,时间为星期六下午(1:00-2:30 PM),随后 (2:45-4:15pm) 是国画和书法班。舞蹈班每星期日在RCTC 体育中心 (SportsCenter) 的S202教室上课。成人中文班通常在工作日的中午或傍晚上课。

我们真诚地欢迎所有爱好中文和中国艺术朋友们踊跃报名。您如果想了解更多有关罗城中文学校的资讯,请和汪丽琴校长联系:电话 507-250-6634, 或电邮lxw06gm@gmail.com
